1 00:00:34,46 --> 00:00:40,95 OK so they give you the best rifle in the world so what me I'm sick of monkeying 2 00:00:40,96 --> 00:00:47,84 around what I want to know is when I get to shoot this and want third item 3 00:00:47,85 --> 00:00:51,15 and it's company say that yesterday third and I've got a hunch 4 00:00:51,16 --> 00:00:57,26 a lot of you feel the same way thorough I want to answer the question now you'll 5 00:00:57,27 --> 00:00:58,20 start shooting the M. 6 00:00:58,21 --> 00:01:03,14 One when you're ready. And that means when you've met the groundwork we're teaching 7 00:01:03,15 --> 00:01:09,51 you in this cos thirty you had sighting and aiming third ring position 8 00:01:09,55 --> 00:01:16,51 third to squeeze. And the principles of rapid fire. We've been 9 00:01:16,52 --> 00:01:21,93 training your eyes and your muscles for the job of showing. Now your brains are 10 00:01:21,94 --> 00:01:22,25 going to get 11 00:01:22,26 --> 00:01:29,36 a workout third So this is the skull practice session thorough take elevation 12 00:01:29,37 --> 00:01:35,77 and windy. I'm going to show you how to raise or lower your sights to take care of 13 00:01:35,78 --> 00:01:41,08 the natural drop of your bullet third and how to move your sights right or left to 14 00:01:41,09 --> 00:01:47,33 allow for the effect of the when on your bullets path of attack third look at the 15 00:01:47,34 --> 00:01:53,52 sights on your rifle Third your front sight is fixed 16 00:01:53,57 --> 00:01:58,46 third and your insight is moveable third. 17 00:02:00,76 --> 00:02:05,59 It is to knob the windage knob to move it from side to side and the elevating knob 18 00:02:05,60 --> 00:02:12,45 to move it up and down. Turn the knob you notice that they don't 19 00:02:12,46 --> 00:02:18,36 rotate freely they click as you touch them and those clicks are important for each 20 00:02:18,37 --> 00:02:23,78 click your site moves an exact distance and that's the way you keep track of the 21 00:02:23,79 --> 00:02:30,18 adjustments you make. All right let's talk about elevation first 22 00:02:30,97 --> 00:02:33,71 if you've ever thrown or hit a chord 23 00:02:33,72 --> 00:02:39,12 a baseball you know the principle of elevation you know that no matter how fast 24 00:02:39,13 --> 00:02:39,91 it's traveling 25 00:02:40,39 --> 00:02:45,92 a baseball keeps falling all the time it's in the air father it goes farther and 26 00:02:45,93 --> 00:02:49,44 faster and for old exactly the same thing is true of 27 00:02:49,45 --> 00:02:52,48 a bullet Well then suppose you're firing at 28 00:02:52,49 --> 00:02:56,59 a target three hundred yards away and you make no allowance for the fall of the 29 00:02:56,60 --> 00:03:01,29 bullet suppose that when it leaves the muzzle of your rifle the bullet heading 30 00:03:01,30 --> 00:03:07,83 straight for the center of the bull's eye. But it drop it starts to fall as soon as 31 00:03:07,84 --> 00:03:13,42 it leaves your rifle and it keeps on for. The distance it's for ols in the first 32 00:03:13,43 --> 00:03:18,94 few dozen worth worrying about but at three hundred you know bullets will drop 33 00:03:18,95 --> 00:03:24,26 twenty inches or more it will drop right off the bull's eye you've got to tilt your 34 00:03:24,27 --> 00:03:24,82 rifle up 35 00:03:24,83 --> 00:03:32,31 a little to allow for that drop suppose you raise your rear sight. But 36 00:03:32,32 --> 00:03:35,97 you keep our old friend the correct sight picture a line of 37 00:03:35,98 --> 00:03:42,81 a must always be the same. So setting the rear sight makes you kill to rifle 38 00:03:42,82 --> 00:03:49,23 up. The higher you know wrist sight the higher the tilt of your rifle Do you get 39 00:03:49,24 --> 00:03:55,95 that. When you adjust your wrist side for elevation you simply fix the exact amount 40 00:03:55,96 --> 00:04:01,13 you're going to kill to rifle. That means how much you're going to raise or lower 41 00:04:01,42 --> 00:04:03,13 the hit of your bullet on the target. 42 00:04:19,80 --> 00:04:25,58 And since your front sight is fixed and your rear sight stays where you set it you 43 00:04:25,59 --> 00:04:31,16 make precisely the same allowance for every shot to fire. That's what the elevating 44 00:04:31,39 --> 00:04:38,30 clicks come in as I told you each click moves your wrist. And 45 00:04:38,31 --> 00:04:44,94 exact distance. When you change your rear sight then you killed your 46 00:04:44,95 --> 00:04:49,71 rifle a corresponding amount this moves the hit of your bullet on the target 47 00:04:50,09 --> 00:04:56,42 a distance in exact proportion to the movement of your wrist sight. At one hundred 48 00:04:57,38 --> 00:05:02,54 one click of elevation moves the head of your bullet on the target up or down one 49 00:05:02,55 --> 00:05:07,98 inch. At two hundred yards one click moves it two inches. 50 00:05:10,71 --> 00:05:16,55 At three hundred yards three inches. And so. 51 00:05:18,27 --> 00:05:23,50 That's what the book means when it says one click of the elevator moves the strike 52 00:05:23,51 --> 00:05:29,11 of the bullet one inch on the target for each one hundred yards of brain to move 53 00:05:29,12 --> 00:05:34,57 the head of the bullet up raise the rear sight and move it down lower the wrist 54 00:05:34,58 --> 00:05:41,53 side. And that's all there is to it now let's see if you've got that. You're firing 55 00:05:41,54 --> 00:05:46,58 a fifth target at two hundred yards your first shot hit ten inches low. 56 00:05:50,11 --> 00:05:50,99 What you going to do about it. 57 00:05:57,38 --> 00:06:04,23 So two hundred yards each quick raises the bullet two inches so you take 58 00:06:04,53 --> 00:06:10,78 five clicks to raise it ten inches right one more your range is five hundred 59 00:06:11,43 --> 00:06:15,97 you've made too big an allowance and your first shot strikes five inches too high. 60 00:06:17,13 --> 00:06:19,25 What do you do about it papa. 61 00:06:24,52 --> 00:06:31,38 Five inches of five hundred. You'd have to bring the wrist. Just 62 00:06:31,39 --> 00:06:37,55 one click right again each click moves the strike of the bullet one inch for eight 63 00:06:37,56 --> 00:06:44,38 hundred yards you don't see that. All right. Let's 64 00:06:44,39 --> 00:06:49,97 move on to Windy you may have heard that winded just tough I don't want to throw 65 00:06:49,98 --> 00:06:54,49 you no more mysterious than elevation. And maybe 66 00:06:54,50 --> 00:06:58,75 a few more things to keep in your head but take it easy and you won't have any 67 00:06:58,76 --> 00:07:03,76 trouble with it you might find it hard to believe that the wind can have much 68 00:07:03,77 --> 00:07:06,52 effect on anything it's small and fast moving as 69 00:07:06,53 --> 00:07:12,67 a bullet. But you can take my word for it and when unless it's coming from straight 70 00:07:12,68 --> 00:07:17,54 behind you on straight in front of you it's going to blow your bullet off its 71 00:07:17,55 --> 00:07:24,41 course take it as we did elevation. Suppose you're firing at three hundred. And you 72 00:07:24,42 --> 00:07:29,30 make no allowance for the way in. Suppose that when the bullet leaves the muzzle of 73 00:07:29,31 --> 00:07:34,55 your rifle it's heading straight for the center of the bull's eye. But there's 74 00:07:34,56 --> 00:07:40,80 a way in from your right. That when Keep pushing your bullet to the left forcing it 75 00:07:40,81 --> 00:07:46,52 off your line of sight and off the target. Once again you've got to make an 76 00:07:46,53 --> 00:07:52,59 allowance you've got to stop you'll pull it off to the right of your line of aim so 77 00:07:52,60 --> 00:07:58,92 that the force of the wind will push it over into the bull's eye. In other words 78 00:07:59,33 --> 00:08:05,12 you got to point your rifle into the wind. If you were shooting an Old Time Square 79 00:08:05,13 --> 00:08:10,10 rifle with fixed sights you'd have to get it windage correction you'd have to sort 80 00:08:10,11 --> 00:08:16,20 of aim into the wind a little. Bit you joy to call nuke 81 00:08:16,21 --> 00:08:20,73 a good pro the one through the. Air on. 82 00:08:26,14 --> 00:08:32,90 Right smart went abroad. I guess she'd take about five inches. 83 00:08:45,81 --> 00:08:50,07 That's what we call taking Kentucky windage aiming each shot into the wind by 84 00:08:50,08 --> 00:08:52,66 guesswork and if you have nothing better than 85 00:08:52,67 --> 00:08:57,62 a hillbilly rifle that's what you'd have to do but you're going to name one rifle 86 00:08:58,48 --> 00:09:02,16 and it's a different story it's true you have to start with 87 00:09:02,17 --> 00:09:06,45 a guess at the effect of the wind and will show you some tricks about making your 88 00:09:06,46 --> 00:09:09,68 guess accurate but with the M one you've got 89 00:09:09,69 --> 00:09:14,26 a movable rear sight and you take right windage by moving it to the right. 90 00:09:21,57 --> 00:09:28,32 Left windage by moving it to the left. Then when you've made your 91 00:09:28,33 --> 00:09:33,89 adjustment you line up your side to the target. Taking the same side picture you 92 00:09:33,90 --> 00:09:40,58 always do. But now you're not siding straight down along the rifle 93 00:09:40,59 --> 00:09:42,22 barrel and as 94 00:09:42,23 --> 00:09:49,22 a result you angle your rifle to one side the father to the right. You move your 95 00:09:49,23 --> 00:09:55,09 sight father to the right or left you point to rifle. You see that. 96 00:10:00,47 --> 00:10:05,76 Well then. When you adjust your sight for windage you simply determine how much to 97 00:10:05,77 --> 00:10:10,89 the right or left your going to point to rifle. Once you set your sight they stay 98 00:10:10,90 --> 00:10:15,91 put so the wind changes. And you have to make 99 00:10:15,92 --> 00:10:21,85 a different allowance you can be sure you've got the same angle every time. How 100 00:10:21,86 --> 00:10:27,52 about those clicks in the wind it's not. Like the clicks of elevation each click of 101 00:10:27,53 --> 00:10:33,16 windage moves your rear side right or left and exactly. As 102 00:10:33,17 --> 00:10:35,93 a result you angle your rifle right or left 103 00:10:36,24 --> 00:10:41,14 a corresponding amount. And that changes the strike of the bullet on the target 104 00:10:41,68 --> 00:10:48,09 a distance in exact proportion to the movement of your insight. So it all boils 105 00:10:48,10 --> 00:10:55,02 down to this. One 106 00:10:55,03 --> 00:10:59,27 click of the windage Bob move the strike of the bullet one inch for each hundred 107 00:10:59,28 --> 00:11:00,09 yards of rain. 108 00:11:08,84 --> 00:11:13,34 At one hundred yards one click to the right the strike of the bullet one inch to 109 00:11:13,35 --> 00:11:20,23 the right. At 110 00:11:20,24 --> 00:11:22,74 two hundred yards it moves at two inches. 111 00:11:29,89 --> 00:11:36,61 At three hundred yards three inches and so on let's see if you understand that your 112 00:11:36,62 --> 00:11:41,93 range of three hundred yards you fire trial shot which strikes the target nine 113 00:11:41,94 --> 00:11:47,12 inches too far to the right which way will you move. Right or Left. 114 00:11:51,89 --> 00:11:56,39 You've got to move the bird to the left so you move your sight to the left correct 115 00:11:57,15 --> 00:12:01,84 you move your it's tight in the direction you want to move your head you take left 116 00:12:01,85 --> 00:12:08,46 winded now it's an era of nine inches at three hundred yards. How many 117 00:12:08,47 --> 00:12:14,86 clicks of left windage do we need. Find. A three hundred yards 118 00:12:15,57 --> 00:12:20,45 a one click move to three inches to take three clicks left when did what you said 119 00:12:20,67 --> 00:12:27,64 you would do any question. OK suppose your shot 120 00:12:27,65 --> 00:12:34,02 hit six inches to the left of center what would be your correction if the range 121 00:12:34,03 --> 00:12:40,83 were two hundred. Oh. So two hundred one could 122 00:12:40,84 --> 00:12:46,03 be two inches so would be three clicks right windage to move the head to the right 123 00:12:46,53 --> 00:12:52,73 good. Three clicks right windage the movie hit six inches right at two hundred 124 00:12:52,74 --> 00:12:58,83 yards now your target is that five hundred. 125 00:13:00,80 --> 00:13:04,70 Your head is ten inches right of center. That's 126 00:13:04,71 --> 00:13:11,42 a correction. And I pay. Two clicks left windage sir 127 00:13:11,80 --> 00:13:17,51 because it's five inches per click for five hundred yards excellent Now what about 128 00:13:17,52 --> 00:13:23,09 that when you're going to allow fog. How can you get how can you be fairly sure in 129 00:13:23,10 --> 00:13:27,82 advance what effect the wind is going to have when you're shooting. That's some 130 00:13:27,83 --> 00:13:33,70 good trick to it and then not hard to learn. To begin with I don't have to tell you 131 00:13:34,13 --> 00:13:39,95 that there are two things about any win that are important. One is that speed and 132 00:13:39,96 --> 00:13:46,46 the other is its direction. In the army we always speak about wind direction by the 133 00:13:46,47 --> 00:13:53,37 clock system. It's simple and convenient imagine yourself in the middle of the 134 00:13:53,38 --> 00:13:53,82 face of 135 00:13:53,83 --> 00:14:00,63 a big clock directly in front of you it's twelve o'clock. Then three o'clock to 136 00:14:00,64 --> 00:14:07,55 your right and nine o'clock to your left six o'clock straight behind you and the 137 00:14:07,56 --> 00:14:10,80 other odds are in between. We name 138 00:14:10,81 --> 00:14:16,47 a win by the hour it's going from. A wind from directly in front is 139 00:14:16,48 --> 00:14:22,64 a twelve o'clock when from the right three o'clock when from behind 140 00:14:23,11 --> 00:14:30,04 six o'clock when and so on around the clock one o'clock four o'clock 141 00:14:30,91 --> 00:14:37,24 eight o'clock. Eleven o'clock when the Lord knows that easy just remember 142 00:14:37,94 --> 00:14:41,88 you're always in the middle facing twelve o'clock and the rest 143 00:14:41,94 --> 00:14:48,64 a pushover so we come to the other important factor the velocity or speed of A when 144 00:14:49,93 --> 00:14:54,71 we measure the speed in miles per hour and your common sense is enough to tell you 145 00:14:55,34 --> 00:14:59,54 ten miles when we have twice as much effect on a bullet as 146 00:14:59,55 --> 00:15:04,27 a five mile when from the same direction. But how are you going to figure out the 147 00:15:04,28 --> 00:15:10,81 wind speed. Where the best thing to have is plenty of experience. An old timer can 148 00:15:10,82 --> 00:15:14,56 just look at a wind and feed it on its face and give you 149 00:15:14,57 --> 00:15:21,20 a close estimate of its speed. But not many of you have the experience it takes so 150 00:15:21,60 --> 00:15:27,19 you just have to figure it out you can get some help by using your eyes watch what 151 00:15:27,20 --> 00:15:33,26 the wind does to grass or three or dust or smoke or anything else it's growing at 152 00:15:33,27 --> 00:15:38,85 first that won't tell you much about the wind speed in mph but you'll be surprised 153 00:15:38,86 --> 00:15:42,76 how soon you'll get the feel of it in the meantime there are 154 00:15:42,77 --> 00:15:49,40 a couple of simple rules that you can do is one. Take something like like dust or 155 00:15:49,41 --> 00:15:55,62 a blade of grass. Toss it into the air and watch football 156 00:15:56,83 --> 00:16:02,31 point with your whole arm from the shoulder at that spot then have to make the 157 00:16:02,32 --> 00:16:06,73 angle between your arm and your body. Most of you know that 158 00:16:06,74 --> 00:16:12,79 a right angle is ninety degree when you hold your arm out straight then the angle 159 00:16:12,80 --> 00:16:19,46 between your arm and your body is ninety degrees all right I'm 160 00:16:19,47 --> 00:16:24,79 pointing at the bottom of the grass well. My arm is 161 00:16:24,80 --> 00:16:30,44 a little less than halfway up so I'll say the angle hundred is forty degrees. Not 162 00:16:30,45 --> 00:16:35,77 bad. If there is a ninety degree angle. There's 163 00:16:35,78 --> 00:16:42,66 a forty. Now then the rule is that you divide the NGO under your by 164 00:16:42,67 --> 00:16:48,83 four to get the speed of the win in miles per hour Don't ask me why. 165 00:16:50,03 --> 00:16:54,94 Somebody made it up before my time and didn't tell me why I know it's do not ride 166 00:16:54,95 --> 00:17:01,76 to work. One quarter of the angle between your eyes and your body gives you the 167 00:17:01,80 --> 00:17:04,83 speed of the wind all right if this is 168 00:17:04,84 --> 00:17:10,38 a forty degree angle. What the speed of the wind. Bloweth. 169 00:17:13,06 --> 00:17:19,90 For in the forties pincer ten miles per hour right the angle between your arm in 170 00:17:19,91 --> 00:17:24,48 your body divided by zero is the wind velocity in miles per hour. 171 00:17:26,80 --> 00:17:32,26 If my blade of grass fell there what the wind speed Carol. 172 00:17:35,74 --> 00:17:35,98 That's 173 00:17:35,99 --> 00:17:42,60 a little more than halfway up about sixty degrees right thirty degree. What the 174 00:17:42,61 --> 00:17:48,93 speed of the wind. Or into sixty is fifteen fifteen miles an hour 175 00:17:49,42 --> 00:17:56,14 OK remember that one quarter of the angle between the I'm in the body that's not 176 00:17:56,15 --> 00:17:59,48 a rule of thumb all really it's the same rule applied in 177 00:17:59,49 --> 00:18:04,15 a different way you take the whole angle between your body and your arm when it's 178 00:18:04,16 --> 00:18:07,16 straight out and divided into five equal PA. 179 00:18:12,36 --> 00:18:14,65 And each of these but represents 180 00:18:14,66 --> 00:18:19,71 a wind speed of five mph. You see what I mean. 181 00:18:21,63 --> 00:18:26,30 You toss your dust or your blade of grass or whatever it is just as you did before 182 00:18:26,30 --> 00:18:32,78 . And point to the spot where it fall. And you work it out this way. 183 00:18:33,88 --> 00:18:39,42 Five miles per hour ten miles per hour. Fifteen miles per hour. 184 00:18:41,24 --> 00:18:47,84 Question. Of course you would always have to work the wind up for yourself this man 185 00:18:48,26 --> 00:18:55,00 believes in cooperation. Somebody knows the wind speed already ask him on the 186 00:18:55,01 --> 00:19:01,59 range and the man ahead of you in battle that's the next man down the line and if 187 00:19:01,60 --> 00:19:06,51 anybody asks you to tell him only don't tell him unless you know what you're 188 00:19:06,52 --> 00:19:12,55 talking about well now you know how to designate wind direction and how to figure 189 00:19:12,56 --> 00:19:17,71 wind speed you're able to get the information you need to set your sights for the 190 00:19:17,72 --> 00:19:22,89 effect of the wind. How are you going to turn that information into clicks of your 191 00:19:22,90 --> 00:19:29,40 windage knob. One way three further windage diagrams in your school book. 192 00:19:31,81 --> 00:19:36,97 The charts work out the corrections for you and will be explained in detail by your 193 00:19:36,98 --> 00:19:43,66 platoon leader. But you don't take your score books into battle in 194 00:19:43,67 --> 00:19:49,33 a scrap you have to make sure when do the figuring in your head and set your sight 195 00:19:49,68 --> 00:19:54,78 but quick learn how to do it now while you've still got time to think about it and 196 00:19:54,79 --> 00:19:59,82 get your questions answered. Ready hold on your head it will go. 197 00:20:05,36 --> 00:20:12,35 Here's the one quick windage rule. Reigns in one of the. Times 198 00:20:12,36 --> 00:20:19,25 when velocity in miles per hour divided by ten. Equals the number of 199 00:20:19,29 --> 00:20:25,77 clicks of wind allowance you've got to take for three and nine o'clock when. Now 200 00:20:25,78 --> 00:20:30,94 don't let that scare you it's not as tough as it sounds for instance when it says 201 00:20:30,95 --> 00:20:35,24 the range of hundreds of yards all it means is that you throw the two zeros the way 202 00:20:36,60 --> 00:20:42,14 when your range is three hundred your call to three five hundred five two hundred 203 00:20:42,15 --> 00:20:48,96 two and so on. The wind in miles per hour is what we've just been talking about 204 00:20:49,73 --> 00:20:55,57 it will turn out to be some perfectly harmless number like eight or twelve or 205 00:20:55,58 --> 00:21:02,40 eighteen or twenty so relax that whole business the range of hundreds of 206 00:21:03,25 --> 00:21:07,43 times the velocity of the wind in miles per hour is going to turn out to be easier 207 00:21:07,44 --> 00:21:11,96 than the arithmetic you didn't school when you were ten years old it would be about 208 00:21:11,97 --> 00:21:17,92 as hard as multiplying three times fifteen. You know your range say it's five 209 00:21:17,93 --> 00:21:18,52 hundred job. 210 00:21:26,30 --> 00:21:33,22 Well that's by. Your winds from three o'clock you estimate its speed say 211 00:21:33,28 --> 00:21:40,09 eight miles an hour. So you've got to multiply 212 00:21:40,10 --> 00:21:46,07 five times eight. It just happens that. 213 00:21:47,13 --> 00:21:53,47 Five times eight is forty. And that's the first half of this problem 214 00:21:54,67 --> 00:22:01,55 now we've got to divide by ten. If you've ever been exposed to simple 215 00:22:01,56 --> 00:22:07,17 decimals. That is. You point off one place from the right. 216 00:22:09,41 --> 00:22:15,66 If the last did good happens to be zero zero just chuck it away. And there's your 217 00:22:15,67 --> 00:22:22,63 problem. You multiply five or five hundred. Times eight or eight 218 00:22:22,64 --> 00:22:29,15 mph. And you've got forty. Now we have to vide by ten 219 00:22:30,09 --> 00:22:36,79 other words we have to knock off at last. And the answer was four so forth is the 220 00:22:36,80 --> 00:22:42,88 number of clicks of wind allowance you must take now we've been talking about three 221 00:22:42,89 --> 00:22:48,36 and nine o'clock when I think of your clock again three and nine o'clock when I get 222 00:22:48,37 --> 00:22:55,20 to pull up directly from the side what about two four eight and ten 223 00:22:55,21 --> 00:23:01,56 o'clock when. That is the winds within one on each side of three and nine o'clock 224 00:23:02,83 --> 00:23:07,71 these when I'm not directly from one side of the other but they're so close you 225 00:23:07,72 --> 00:23:14,50 don't bother about the differences. In other words the root for all wins that are 226 00:23:14,51 --> 00:23:20,12 generally from the side. You make no allowance at all for six and twelve o'clock 227 00:23:20,13 --> 00:23:26,46 when because they do not blow the bullet out of line. So what wind does that leave 228 00:23:26,47 --> 00:23:32,83 us it leaves one. And five. And seven. 229 00:23:34,16 --> 00:23:40,82 And eleven o'clock when which are two hours away from three and nine o'clock. They 230 00:23:40,83 --> 00:23:42,04 strike the bullet only 231 00:23:42,05 --> 00:23:48,19 a glancing blow and affected only about half as much so for them to take half as 232 00:23:48,20 --> 00:23:53,91 many clicks of windage. It is all in one rule. 233 00:23:55,83 --> 00:24:01,20 Range and I'm of the. Time when velocity and mph 234 00:24:02,51 --> 00:24:07,74 divided by ten. Equals the number of clicks of windage correction. 235 00:24:11,15 --> 00:24:16,76 Useful correction for two three four eight nine and ten o'clock when. 236 00:24:18,50 --> 00:24:24,24 It is one half of that correction or run five seven and eleven o'clock when. 237 00:24:25,48 --> 00:24:32,27 It was no correction for six and twelve o'clock when. And there it 238 00:24:32,28 --> 00:24:36,58 is I'll do one more problem for you. Arrange 239 00:24:36,59 --> 00:24:45,05 a three hundred job. Your 240 00:24:45,06 --> 00:24:52,02 wind is coming from eight o'clock. And 241 00:24:52,03 --> 00:24:54,66 you activated speed to be twelve miles an hour. 242 00:25:00,100 --> 00:25:07,54 That's three to begin with. Times 243 00:25:07,55 --> 00:25:12,05 twelve. Equals thirty six. 244 00:25:15,58 --> 00:25:21,72 Divided by ten. Three and six tenths 245 00:25:22,64 --> 00:25:25,39 am I in trouble I can't take six tenths of 246 00:25:25,40 --> 00:25:32,30 a click what I'm going to do I'm going to take four clicks that's the rule one 247 00:25:32,31 --> 00:25:37,51 per click for any fraction you have left over in figuring if your answer were two 248 00:25:37,52 --> 00:25:43,38 and two tenths you take three clicks. Five and eight ten take six 249 00:25:44,60 --> 00:25:51,25 you take one for click for any fraction left over. All right. Let's see if you can 250 00:25:51,26 --> 00:25:51,77 work it out. 251 00:26:00,17 --> 00:26:06,74 Range two hundred job. Wins 252 00:26:06,75 --> 00:26:11,47 a nine o'clock when an estimated speed of nine miles per hour. 253 00:26:21,62 --> 00:26:26,40 Now how are you going to work out the number of clicks of windy. I'll write it down 254 00:26:26,41 --> 00:26:32,70 you tell me what to do range two hundred what you put out. To open. 255 00:26:35,87 --> 00:26:42,49 Write. Your winds from nine o'clock you estimated speed at nine miles per hour 256 00:26:42,75 --> 00:26:46,74 what I put out two times now that's eighteen right. 257 00:26:53,43 --> 00:26:57,55 I'm going to click to take eighteen divided by ten that's one in 258 00:26:57,56 --> 00:27:04,43 a tense. Right now how 259 00:27:04,44 --> 00:27:08,56 many clicks. Clicks are left when it girl. 260 00:27:17,13 --> 00:27:21,96 Two clicks left because the nine o'clock winds from the left I suppose the wind has 261 00:27:21,97 --> 00:27:27,44 been from seven o'clock instead of nine which winded would you take left or right. 262 00:27:33,03 --> 00:27:39,89 That's seven correct open for two clicks from nine o'clock when I want you take for 263 00:27:39,90 --> 00:27:46,79 a seven o'clock when one correction. Seventy two hours right so you take only half 264 00:27:46,80 --> 00:27:52,01 as much go and you all see that. There's another. 265 00:27:58,92 --> 00:28:00,30 Range of five hundred yards. 266 00:28:06,35 --> 00:28:13,07 When from one o'clock. And you estimated 267 00:28:13,08 --> 00:28:14,63 speed of twelve miles an hour. 268 00:28:23,42 --> 00:28:29,98 Peter. Five times twelve sixty. You're way ahead of me. 269 00:28:36,21 --> 00:28:40,33 Then what divides sixty by ten from way to zero gives 270 00:28:40,34 --> 00:28:47,10 a six. But. A one o'clock when 271 00:28:47,43 --> 00:28:51,100 takes only one happen number of clicks so it's pretty quick you're. 272 00:28:57,72 --> 00:29:04,48 Which windage right windage. That's right you got it I used to teach mathematics. 273 00:29:06,81 --> 00:29:07,41 But it doesn't take 274 00:29:07,42 --> 00:29:16,89 a professor to do the simple figuring. Now 275 00:29:16,90 --> 00:29:17,11 you're on 276 00:29:17,12 --> 00:29:24,24 a range of three hundred yards. It went from four clock 277 00:29:24,24 --> 00:29:30,36 . Speed fifteen. 278 00:29:37,33 --> 00:29:44,17 Very happy. So that's three times 279 00:29:44,41 --> 00:29:46,79 came that's forty five right. 280 00:29:52,81 --> 00:29:58,77 Three times fifteen and forty five now right then you divide by ten. Makes for 281 00:29:58,78 --> 00:30:06,05 a. Good 282 00:30:07,12 --> 00:30:11,96 how many clicks of windage. A guy can take half 283 00:30:11,97 --> 00:30:15,92 a click so that makes five clicks. Go out again. 284 00:30:21,99 --> 00:30:26,24 Five clicks of which windage right right is right. 285 00:30:31,04 --> 00:30:37,84 You Man seem to have this pretty straight about it and the question. Good. 286 00:30:39,61 --> 00:30:46,52 Only be sure to remember. If any questions bother you ask them. Now 287 00:30:46,53 --> 00:30:51,34 will cover all the ground we've gone over so far. We started out with elevation. 288 00:30:53,10 --> 00:30:57,61 When you raise your rear side you have to tilt your rifle to line up properly on 289 00:30:57,62 --> 00:31:01,75 the target we saw that one quick of elevation moves 290 00:31:01,76 --> 00:31:05,77 a strike of your bullet on the target one inch for each hundred yards of brain. 291 00:31:06,97 --> 00:31:11,60 Then we went to when we saw that when you move your wrist side to one side of the 292 00:31:11,61 --> 00:31:18,53 other you have to angle up to the to line up on the target we saw that one click of 293 00:31:18,54 --> 00:31:22,82 windage move the strike of the bullet one inch right or left for eight hundred 294 00:31:22,83 --> 00:31:29,53 yards of rain we went into designating wind directions by the crop. Is called by 295 00:31:29,54 --> 00:31:35,71 the hour it comes from. I showed you the tricks of estimating your wind speed throw 296 00:31:35,72 --> 00:31:40,52 some light substance into the air and pressure on at the spot where it fell then 297 00:31:40,73 --> 00:31:45,95 figure the angle between your and your body that NGO divided by four is your wind 298 00:31:45,96 --> 00:31:52,93 speed in mph zero to five the angle in the five equal parts. And say each 299 00:31:52,94 --> 00:31:59,13 but as your arms raised represents five miles an hour when feet and that gave you 300 00:31:59,14 --> 00:32:05,06 the information you need to calculate your windy then we took the problem you like 301 00:32:05,07 --> 00:32:11,87 here one click windage rule and so how it works I don't mind telling you 302 00:32:12,33 --> 00:32:18,07 I'm mighty pleased about the way you followed it all elevation and windage are very 303 00:32:18,08 --> 00:32:19,04 important things for 304 00:32:19,05 --> 00:32:25,03 a rifleman to understand. What's just as important is the fact that you didn't lose 305 00:32:25,04 --> 00:32:29,18 your head this meant to keep the head of 306 00:32:29,19 --> 00:32:34,34 a kind of soldier from making Tojo and. Sally They started it. 307 00:33:16,15 --> 00:33:23,03 I don't nobody of not of my party or of in one after another thermos But I've said 308 00:33:23,49 --> 00:33:28,07 and it's something like this you've got to get the correct sight picture every time 309 00:33:28,08 --> 00:33:28,19 you 310 00:33:28,20 --> 00:33:33,80 a minute fact. It's correct facts picture is not enough you've got to pick the correct 311 00:33:33,84 --> 00:33:38,76 firing position but the correct type picture and the correct firing position I'm no 312 00:33:38,77 --> 00:33:41,29 good unless you screen good figure with 313 00:33:41,30 --> 00:33:47,69 a steadily increasing pressure on. The map the rapid fire principle and 314 00:33:47,70 --> 00:33:53,66 coordinate that you take your aim and speed your figure and smooth rhythm at 315 00:33:53,67 --> 00:34:00,56 a fixed speed third. Even then you won't necessarily hit what's your 316 00:34:00,57 --> 00:34:06,55 shooting at and that's what just your thigh properly arranged and way and third day 317 00:34:07,05 --> 00:34:12,89 you're ready for one more left and one more but third you're not ready to stop 318 00:34:12,90 --> 00:34:19,72 shooting live ammunition until you know how to zero your rifle now known to man are 319 00:34:19,73 --> 00:34:26,69 exactly the same. No two min aim. And when 320 00:34:26,70 --> 00:34:31,84 a man shoot he does it in its own particular way don't you rifles are exactly alike 321 00:34:31,85 --> 00:34:36,00 either. You can't think the difference between two rifles of the same make and 322 00:34:36,01 --> 00:34:42,16 model. But take my word for it no two rifles have precisely the same effect on the 323 00:34:42,17 --> 00:34:47,26 bullets they fired. That means that every man must adjust his rifle for 324 00:34:47,27 --> 00:34:52,12 a little bit group. As well as for its own for example. 325 00:34:54,21 --> 00:34:57,90 Makes you a little to the right. Or 326 00:34:57,91 --> 00:35:03,87 a little low. There may be what you are maybe what your rifle. 327 00:35:05,04 --> 00:35:10,82 And any of that era have to be found for each train. And you will find it just. 328 00:35:12,04 --> 00:35:17,61 Hit exactly what you aim that's one good thing about it once you know you're there 329 00:35:17,62 --> 00:35:22,74 oh you know I'm for keeps as long as you've got the same rifle their oath won't 330 00:35:22,75 --> 00:35:28,82 change so you people in your book and you pick them in your memory there you are 331 00:35:28,83 --> 00:35:35,46 heroes and you need him and your business. All right how do you go about doing 332 00:35:36,49 --> 00:35:38,66 this company you'll do 333 00:35:38,67 --> 00:35:44,45 a rifle to two hundred yards I don't want to pay any attention to the range scale 334 00:35:44,46 --> 00:35:48,09 on your rifle. It's not said and it may be off 335 00:35:48,10 --> 00:35:55,06 a mile instead of down to five it will go then run it back 336 00:35:55,07 --> 00:35:59,82 up ten quick because ten clicks is the average of two hundred yards setting for all 337 00:35:59,83 --> 00:36:06,29 men and all in one rifle All right you've taken ten quick elevation for your first 338 00:36:06,34 --> 00:36:12,82 shot what about your windy setting the first shot. To begin with whatever the what 339 00:36:12,83 --> 00:36:19,80 it's doing. Your wind gauge set it so that the long lines of index come opposite 340 00:36:19,81 --> 00:36:25,61 each other. If there happens to be no way even. If you haven't worked on 341 00:36:25,62 --> 00:36:32,61 a calm day. You've taken ten picked elevation for two hundred yards 342 00:36:33,20 --> 00:36:39,53 and your wind gauges. You wait. We've got to stop and call ahead. 343 00:36:41,33 --> 00:36:48,17 And you go up for seven o'clock. Yes. I've got to correct both your 344 00:36:48,18 --> 00:36:55,14 elevation and your wind. A much. You can tell from the dimensions of your target at 345 00:36:55,20 --> 00:37:01,18 two hundred yards it would be an eight hour. Ten inches wide. 346 00:37:07,55 --> 00:37:12,32 The edge of the black. For a wide and 347 00:37:12,33 --> 00:37:19,09 a three ring ten inches wide. All right your bullet here take the elevator. 348 00:37:24,22 --> 00:37:29,12 And I'm here to make it easier for you know. But you can do the measuring in your 349 00:37:29,13 --> 00:37:36,12 head. If. You're stopped this much. 350 00:37:38,82 --> 00:37:45,67 At five hundred on the black. They are not quite happy for. Three 351 00:37:45,68 --> 00:37:52,39 and. Five inches here and here. Are eight inches low. 352 00:37:53,67 --> 00:37:56,61 How many clicks of elevation. To strike up 353 00:37:56,62 --> 00:38:03,04 a dead. Conny. At two hundred yards. Each 354 00:38:03,80 --> 00:38:10,55 strike. Well cooked up to right now they don't right I have already taken ten quick 355 00:38:10,56 --> 00:38:14,21 to defend Betty so I want to take four more you'll have 356 00:38:14,22 --> 00:38:19,60 a setting of quick and if it should be exactly right bring your next job up to temp 357 00:38:19,61 --> 00:38:26,21 a level. That would be your elevator up at two hundred yards but remember 358 00:38:26,95 --> 00:38:33,02 this is only an example I'm showing you doing it simple to begin with so you 359 00:38:33,03 --> 00:38:39,33 understand the general principle. Actually when you propositional your own life you 360 00:38:39,34 --> 00:38:45,05 will be about seven. Make sure you're setting it right your first correction may be 361 00:38:45,06 --> 00:38:52,06 perfect or it may not. Effectively stop check you and you may 362 00:38:52,07 --> 00:38:58,98 have to make it up again for your bad stop. The other big two hundred. Maybe 363 00:38:58,99 --> 00:39:05,11 more than your original can or maybe less. That you'll have to find out. 364 00:39:08,87 --> 00:39:09,43 I promise 365 00:39:09,44 --> 00:39:17,09 a problem. For quick profit. That 366 00:39:17,10 --> 00:39:23,51 would make your next stop it here. Five into the lab on the black 367 00:39:24,74 --> 00:39:30,27 well call it. Five plus one. 368 00:39:33,08 --> 00:39:39,60 You've got to move the strike if you. Looked into the right. I would do it. 369 00:39:40,84 --> 00:39:47,30 Now. Three clicks right. Three quick to the right when we've moved ahead 370 00:39:47,60 --> 00:39:53,03 for click it into the top three click click into the right. 371 00:39:54,61 --> 00:39:57,67 There's no wind blowing so we thought about the fancy. 372 00:40:03,11 --> 00:40:06,05 Now you have a setting up to make the bullet hit 373 00:40:06,24 --> 00:40:13,19 a thing. Or two I said because it's still an example. I 374 00:40:13,20 --> 00:40:17,95 think of pride it makes figuring clear. What you've got to check your own 375 00:40:17,96 --> 00:40:24,03 correction by firing several shop before you can be sure. Now. 376 00:40:27,98 --> 00:40:34,91 That your rifle when there is no way in. The wind gauge to 377 00:40:34,92 --> 00:40:40,46 correct for the wind blowing. Once you've done that why would you doing exactly 378 00:40:40,47 --> 00:40:46,95 that you are on the range in a dead calm. Let's see how it works. Firing 379 00:40:46,96 --> 00:40:53,53 a two hundred yards again. Take an elevator. Now it's 380 00:40:53,60 --> 00:40:54,60 time you have 381 00:40:54,61 --> 00:41:00,40 a fifteen mile win from eight o'clock. Making an allowance for the wind. 382 00:41:02,38 --> 00:41:08,77 But you'll make. Monahan. Range of hundreds of yards 383 00:41:09,79 --> 00:41:15,68 that's true for two hundred times the wind velocity that's fifteen times fifteen is 384 00:41:15,69 --> 00:41:22,28 thirty by the by. By the by ten if. You take think 385 00:41:22,29 --> 00:41:27,51 Plextor three clicks left windage. Go for 386 00:41:27,52 --> 00:41:30,69 a quick left winded take care of the whip at 387 00:41:30,70 --> 00:41:37,37 a stop or you've got ten clicks of elevation for the two hundred yard range. Let's 388 00:41:37,38 --> 00:41:44,32 wind it. For the fifteen mile run today to 389 00:41:44,33 --> 00:41:51,12 plot. You're ready for your first shot requisition correct sight picture 390 00:41:51,88 --> 00:41:58,78 correct cricket's free. To make it simple let's say you call it Center 391 00:41:58,79 --> 00:42:05,05 pull again. If the fourth four o'clock 392 00:42:05,88 --> 00:42:12,24 figure exactly as you did before elevation fessed up to elevation era field. 393 00:42:16,80 --> 00:42:21,86 I'd say the hips about two inches below the bottom of the blacks or that would be 394 00:42:21,87 --> 00:42:28,71 seven inches low right. So what do you do right at seven inches and two 395 00:42:28,72 --> 00:42:30,44 hundred three and 396 00:42:30,45 --> 00:42:37,20 a half clicks or you take force or right click. But you've already 397 00:42:37,21 --> 00:42:42,24 got ten CLICK. What about give you your original ten clicks right enough for this 398 00:42:42,25 --> 00:42:48,25 rifle to take far more it gives you fourteen relevation zero at two hundred yards. 399 00:42:49,30 --> 00:42:55,51 Fourteen clicks to. Get to know you if you're elevation zero if your next job prove 400 00:42:55,52 --> 00:43:01,56 it is but you've got to check it and check it again. Now when. 401 00:43:02,90 --> 00:43:09,56 Your correction. Well certainly the hip about 402 00:43:09,79 --> 00:43:14,37 halfway across the floor a nice one in just a center is about five inches in 403 00:43:14,38 --> 00:43:19,43 a black four and five that's not good I mean what are you going to do about it and 404 00:43:19,44 --> 00:43:23,58 want to thank you when it's there how much when did you move it over nine inches to 405 00:43:23,59 --> 00:43:30,13 the left or right through hundred yards thanks one click to move to wenches. Divide 406 00:43:30,14 --> 00:43:32,43 nine inches by two that's four and 407 00:43:32,44 --> 00:43:38,89 a half play you take my place. OK. Five quick left. 408 00:43:42,38 --> 00:43:46,60 I want you winded setting you started with three clicks left for the wind now 409 00:43:46,61 --> 00:43:52,90 you're taking five clicks more that's eight clicks left when it's OK. Quick left 410 00:43:52,91 --> 00:43:58,02 for just setting. Because three of those eight clicks 411 00:43:58,03 --> 00:44:03,59 a for the win and that doesn't count. If there was five clicks laps that's exactly 412 00:44:03,60 --> 00:44:10,41 what you want the bad not. The pros you know it was in 413 00:44:10,42 --> 00:44:15,84 zero five quick play. The next time you go on the firing line you have 414 00:44:15,85 --> 00:44:20,81 a fifteen mile wind blowing across so that you have to take three clicks and right 415 00:44:20,82 --> 00:44:25,91 winded. I will not affect your hero. Action. 416 00:44:29,31 --> 00:44:35,99 That doesn't affect your toe it also goes your feet. You'll feel winded is one 417 00:44:36,00 --> 00:44:42,84 thing and you're winded setting it up now. You know you have to know 418 00:44:42,85 --> 00:44:46,23 if I pick so that your wind gauge. 419 00:44:54,71 --> 00:44:59,79 But you've got to take three clicks right for the wind blowing your stop setting 420 00:45:00,14 --> 00:45:05,79 and make your way into just. Another way you started five pick left and come back 421 00:45:06,63 --> 00:45:12,81 three clicks right what you're getting then. Five left and then three right 422 00:45:13,61 --> 00:45:20,51 at three from five to. Make your wind adjustment from 423 00:45:20,52 --> 00:45:22,97 your. Thing that. 424 00:45:27,57 --> 00:45:34,01 I'm sorry I don't get it all right think of it way suppose you know when again it's 425 00:45:34,02 --> 00:45:39,33 time to begin with. I pick left. 426 00:45:44,15 --> 00:45:49,09 But you've got to the right and you take three quick right to allow for it to come 427 00:45:49,10 --> 00:45:55,55 back through up the timeline again but I wanted to see it. And correct from it. 428 00:45:56,61 --> 00:45:57,08 That player. 429 00:46:04,48 --> 00:46:09,64 You know to make. Your original plan click on the average setting for two hundred 430 00:46:09,65 --> 00:46:12,91 yards. Your first shot shows rather too much. 431 00:46:16,63 --> 00:46:23,53 You make whatever track you need to hit exactly where you Amy stuff. That 432 00:46:23,54 --> 00:46:29,99 you're out of date until. You have a question. That's been 433 00:46:30,00 --> 00:46:32,11 a problem not a man not 434 00:46:32,12 --> 00:46:37,28 a right. I will stick to the two hundred yard range because it's clear and simple 435 00:46:38,07 --> 00:46:42,22 but don't forget you have to fill your rifle for three hundred five hundred yards 436 00:46:42,23 --> 00:46:46,94 through the figures for the ranges are different but the principle is exactly the 437 00:46:46,95 --> 00:46:50,25 same. So you have 438 00:46:50,26 --> 00:46:55,42 a wind from five o'clock and you estimated property at ten miles an hour. 439 00:46:57,07 --> 00:47:00,46 Wind allowance would you make. Planet. 440 00:47:03,91 --> 00:47:10,87 Five o'clock. That would be to put two hundred. Ten for ten miles an hour divided 441 00:47:10,88 --> 00:47:16,60 by. The two times. But right you agree with that 442 00:47:17,89 --> 00:47:24,43 map you. ANNOUNCER drive three hundred from five 443 00:47:24,44 --> 00:47:30,75 o'clock and you may call me half. Right at the end remember that planned and 444 00:47:31,46 --> 00:47:38,05 happy allowance for wind from one five seven and eleven o'clock. OK when 445 00:47:38,06 --> 00:47:44,93 gauges. You take one click and write when. I do spectrum of anything 446 00:47:45,31 --> 00:47:52,05 with. A. Quick stop 447 00:47:52,58 --> 00:47:59,55 then pick up and play. To run it all the way down and up. Very well taken one 448 00:47:59,56 --> 00:48:04,16 click right winded and ten CLICK to validate your first shot assuming 449 00:48:04,17 --> 00:48:05,36 a name and your call 450 00:48:05,37 --> 00:48:12,18 a perfect fit you qualify in the pool. And you're good 451 00:48:12,67 --> 00:48:16,98 at three o'clock. But you have 452 00:48:16,99 --> 00:48:22,22 a contraction. Looks like it's about six inches above the black. 453 00:48:24,41 --> 00:48:26,70 So that five inches on the black and six. 454 00:48:31,61 --> 00:48:38,52 OK go on. Each could bring it down to let you go for eleven until I take six 455 00:48:38,53 --> 00:48:45,49 clicks down. That's six could drop for ten I 456 00:48:45,50 --> 00:48:52,38 thought it was six from ten to four on real quick on the part of. You check 457 00:48:52,39 --> 00:48:59,33 in if your next shot where you know I'm I'm not sure elevation zero. Now that 458 00:48:59,34 --> 00:49:05,92 there are when you take in one quick right when it's to begin with. The strike I 459 00:49:06,76 --> 00:49:12,67 think. That's about three inches out of the flooring for eight inches from the 460 00:49:12,68 --> 00:49:19,28 center of the barrel. For clicks right remember they don't use right. You've 461 00:49:19,29 --> 00:49:24,08 already taken one click right when they start so I just think when one clicks right 462 00:49:24,86 --> 00:49:31,81 and that makes five flicks right. But that's not. Because of the setting 463 00:49:31,82 --> 00:49:38,39 needed there's no wind. For us or it for us or if your next shot struck it 464 00:49:38,86 --> 00:49:44,99 at that. Now off to try and save it with your elevation there are over two hundred 465 00:49:45,00 --> 00:49:51,09 yards once you've got it and just showed it you can make up from an adjustment your 466 00:49:51,10 --> 00:49:57,00 range scale for two hundred yards. But I mean when you get the tickets business 467 00:49:57,88 --> 00:50:02,15 you're not to make that adjustment except with the authority of your platoon leader 468 00:50:03,04 --> 00:50:04,57 and under supervision of 469 00:50:04,58 --> 00:50:11,43 a non-combat friend in the problem we just did. You found the crackdown of Asian 470 00:50:11,44 --> 00:50:17,04 fuel right at two hundred yards to be only four clicks but that would be imaginary 471 00:50:17,05 --> 00:50:23,58 rifle we were dealing with Mind you now. With your rifle 472 00:50:24,34 --> 00:50:28,15 you may find a zero zero zero zero three seven five 473 00:50:28,16 --> 00:50:34,91 a fifteen click. Whatever the number is. Be sure that you're elevating not be said 474 00:50:35,67 --> 00:50:36,94 that many clicks in the bottom. 475 00:50:44,66 --> 00:50:50,91 Group you see there in the middle of the elevating knob. Move the scale so that it 476 00:50:51,00 --> 00:50:52,10 sets for two hundred. 477 00:51:00,10 --> 00:51:06,68 Through again and be sure. If it's not you lose your 478 00:51:06,69 --> 00:51:11,73 elevating up. That's how you set your correct you want to get out of 479 00:51:11,74 --> 00:51:13,54 a can for keep of 480 00:51:13,55 --> 00:51:20,32 a member but under God only. Separately for three hundred and five hundred 481 00:51:20,33 --> 00:51:23,85 yards. All of your heros are important. 482 00:51:27,50 --> 00:51:31,42 But again. Strong book. 483 00:51:35,11 --> 00:51:35,30 Can be 484 00:51:35,31 --> 00:51:41,93 a lot of help to you use it right. Through it. If you get rusty on the elevation 485 00:51:41,94 --> 00:51:46,84 and windy rules if they are with tables and examples that show you how they work. 486 00:51:48,07 --> 00:51:50,75 You know the dimension. And B. 487 00:51:51,02 --> 00:51:57,86 And. You know when to diagram through. The correct allowances to make 488 00:51:57,87 --> 00:52:03,93 for the various philosophies all around the clock or the through three and five 489 00:52:03,94 --> 00:52:09,96 hundred yard ranges. I don't want you to get the habit depending on the window and 490 00:52:09,96 --> 00:52:11,88 . Shooting 491 00:52:11,89 --> 00:52:17,55 a target it's only your painting for the bigger job you'll be doing later. And you 492 00:52:17,56 --> 00:52:17,92 don't take 493 00:52:17,93 --> 00:52:22,79 a throw back in the combat crypt of all of the scrub oak for keeping track of you 494 00:52:23,56 --> 00:52:29,54 and how you made it. Into the rifle recording they claim the credit two hundred and 495 00:52:29,55 --> 00:52:34,93 three hundred. Recordings and I'll go through it show you how to use it. 496 00:52:36,45 --> 00:52:42,29 All right great. If the name of your campus station in this case. 497 00:52:45,00 --> 00:52:45,14 Did 498 00:52:45,15 --> 00:52:52,25 a day. A mile from 499 00:52:52,26 --> 00:52:57,09 seven o'clock. Lighted right. Or wrong. 500 00:53:01,38 --> 00:53:08,22 And you're firing from the front position. You're probably in 501 00:53:08,23 --> 00:53:13,49 all those spaces before you go to the firing line OK let's say you're ready to 502 00:53:13,50 --> 00:53:20,38 begin filming. But. You'll stop with ten quick that elevator 503 00:53:21,32 --> 00:53:21,71 then you have 504 00:53:21,72 --> 00:53:31,29 a very novel all the way down. Then up to ten quick. Nap 505 00:53:31,30 --> 00:53:32,52 or when you've got 506 00:53:32,53 --> 00:53:39,15 a ten mile away from seven o'clock. To pick two hundred. Ten for the wind velocity 507 00:53:39,46 --> 00:53:44,07 divided by ten to get you through but you want to take half of that for seven 508 00:53:44,08 --> 00:53:49,91 o'clock which is what you want to make let it go to seven o'clock when from your 509 00:53:49,92 --> 00:53:54,82 left. Right down. 510 00:53:58,21 --> 00:54:02,68 Figure street all correct no. If I get first shot. 511 00:54:05,23 --> 00:54:08,18 You call effect a five and I need to make 512 00:54:08,19 --> 00:54:15,12 a stop in the top of the middle of the call that you. Call it improper 513 00:54:15,47 --> 00:54:20,35 don't forget to put it down. To three at eight o'clock. 514 00:54:23,64 --> 00:54:30,57 And have the actual hit on the M one target. Number one because your 515 00:54:30,58 --> 00:54:37,15 friends stop and you've got to keep track. And not go off in the value of column 516 00:54:37,28 --> 00:54:43,78 I'm. Three. Now 517 00:54:44,57 --> 00:54:47,42 adjust your site. You won't get 518 00:54:47,43 --> 00:54:53,13 a perfect setting the first time but make it correct in. Your pocket to mention 519 00:54:53,86 --> 00:55:00,84 some of the edge of the ball to five and they didn't. Want three clicks for them 520 00:55:00,85 --> 00:55:07,50 to take that. Throw so quick you have to make your do 521 00:55:07,79 --> 00:55:11,98 or you can stop put it down and change your fitting. 522 00:55:16,17 --> 00:55:21,95 Now to make it. Throbbing to the left of center. 523 00:55:24,95 --> 00:55:31,29 At two hundred yards it will take the pic right. Now you started with one click of 524 00:55:31,30 --> 00:55:37,98 my friend. And you're correct betting on your. Picks right 525 00:55:38,25 --> 00:55:43,29 from the one quick lead will be five clicks right. Back down your throat. 526 00:55:48,83 --> 00:55:54,07 But you've got to check it before you could be sure so if I had taken stuff and 527 00:55:54,08 --> 00:55:54,87 again call 528 00:55:54,88 --> 00:56:06,37 a federal. But. It's 529 00:56:06,38 --> 00:56:12,23 running to about the black and seven inches to the right of center you have to come 530 00:56:12,24 --> 00:56:18,15 down pretty quick for validation to bring the neck down fix. That. 531 00:56:19,97 --> 00:56:21,92 And you're back at your original Penicuik prevent 532 00:56:21,93 --> 00:56:26,81 a vacation but two hundred yards now you've got to bring the head seven inches to 533 00:56:26,82 --> 00:56:32,66 the mat I don't. Know when to make that correction. 534 00:56:35,57 --> 00:56:41,72 Setting with five picks right when you move clicks left if any one click right. 535 00:56:45,96 --> 00:56:52,62 But then. They want your shop show they don't time you call for at two o'clock. 536 00:56:53,97 --> 00:56:54,45 And you have 537 00:56:55,00 --> 00:57:03,30 a floor. That's 538 00:57:03,30 --> 00:57:07,99 . Your shop where you prove it you made your correction. 539 00:57:10,05 --> 00:57:15,50 Corrected again and checked once more up to make sure you were right on I know you 540 00:57:15,51 --> 00:57:22,24 can write through. Elevation. But found the setting you had when you were hit where 541 00:57:22,25 --> 00:57:28,96 you weigh. Ten clik. They were indeed the setting you need to make your shopping 542 00:57:29,01 --> 00:57:35,49 for you call it if there's no wind blowing. You took one quick left for 543 00:57:35,50 --> 00:57:36,63 a ten mile wind up in 544 00:57:36,64 --> 00:57:43,20 a club. But your final setting when you're stopped didn't for your call It was one 545 00:57:43,21 --> 00:57:48,42 quick right the correction you had to make then click to the right of your when. 546 00:57:50,27 --> 00:57:55,44 When did you take for the wind blowing it's not part of your zero the wind died 547 00:57:55,45 --> 00:58:01,66 down it had to take place and you had to go there when the setting got that setting 548 00:58:01,67 --> 00:58:07,83 you need thread dead now. If there'd been no wind and your wind gauge would have 549 00:58:07,84 --> 00:58:13,56 been found. So your correction would have been too quick to the right of center. 550 00:58:17,03 --> 00:58:22,79 And that you have to windy too quick to write. It Down in the face provided for 551 00:58:23,74 --> 00:58:30,62 under the hammer on target two clicks right. Now you're 552 00:58:30,63 --> 00:58:36,54 ready to fill out the rifle recording she put down your right. The ammunition 553 00:58:36,77 --> 00:58:41,95 number on the base of one of your property if you are using. Zero elevation for two 554 00:58:41,96 --> 00:58:43,88 hundred yards and do 555 00:58:43,89 --> 00:58:50,55 a windy two hundred yards. Wipe what I'm doing make sure your call is right 556 00:58:51,41 --> 00:58:58,40 and I would call. Closer to see if the rifle fire. And you will be on your way 557 00:58:58,41 --> 00:58:58,77 to making 558 00:58:58,78 --> 00:59:05,78 a good job. That is my i Phone. Company go down the 559 00:59:05,79 --> 00:59:12,10 drain. I Pad to give you everything I know that will help make good rifleman of you 560 00:59:12,53 --> 00:59:18,60 and I hope I've made things clear. Stop if I could meet later on 561 00:59:19,41 --> 00:59:23,08 if I do need it for your final examination and if I don't need it when you go out 562 00:59:23,09 --> 00:59:30,03 in the rain drop. Mood when you're printing money and you're going 563 00:59:30,04 --> 00:59:36,99 to think. When every made. Every head. Means. 564 00:59:38,63 --> 00:59:39,42 One less enemy.